3 Tbsp @buddingfoods coconut oil
2 cups @buddingfoods chickpeas (boiled)
1 Tbsp @buddingfoods coconut flour
1 Tbsp @buddingfoods rice flour
1 large red onion (chopped)
1/3 cup tomato paste
A can of coconut milk
1/3 cup water
Curry powder
Ground cumin
Garlic powder
Black pepper
•In a deep pan, heat up the oil and add the onions. Sauté then add in the spices and salt.
•Next, add the tomato paste and water then stir.
•Add the boiled chickpeas and coconut milk, allow to cook for a few minutes.
•Mix coconut flour, rice flour and a bit of water to make a paste. Add this to the pan, the rice flour will help to thicken up the curry while the coconut flour adds flavor to the dish.
•Bring the curry to a boil and then reduce to medium-low heat so that it continues to simmer for 10 to 12 more minutes.
Done! Serve with rice and enjoy.