Lentils 500g

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Lentils are a great source of proteins, Iron, Vitamins, Magnesium and Zinc. They make a delicious delicacy and they combine well with many other foods to make great meals.

Preparations; There is no one best way of cooking Lentils. Our advice is to be creative and adopt the method that best works for you. The following is a suggested serving.

Lentils do not require soaking like other pulses.

Rinse your lentils with fresh water before boiling to remove any dust or debris.

Cook on a stovetop, using 3 cups of liquid (water, stock, etc.) to 1 cup of dry lentils. Be sure to use a large enough saucepan as the lentils will double or triple in size.

Bring to a boil, cover tightly, reduce heat, and simmer until they are tender.

Prepare soup with tomatoes, Onion, Green Pepper, spices, or any other combination of seasonings that you prefer. This soup should be prepared separately, once ready add the lentils and mix it well into the soup.

Serve either with rice, pasta, Bread or Nuns.

These are whole lentils, so cook time is typically 15-20 minutes.

Be sure to season with salt after cooking– if salt is added before, the lentils will become tough.

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